Difficult Par 4 with out of bounds running down the right hand side and protected by a water hazard and thick rough along the left hand side. The fairway is bowed from right to left which brings the out of bounds into play off the tee so the ideal shot would be hit down the right half of the fairway. Depending on power, a fairway wood or driver would be best used off the tee.
Should all go to plan off the tee, players will be hitting their approach shots uphill to the firmest green on the golf course. As a result, the ball tends to come in much lower than expected so players must allow for the kick forward at the front on the green. Be careful though because the green slopes away at the back and shots pitching too far will roll through the back. Big hitters have a distinct advantage on this hole as they will be attacking the green, most likely with a wedge enabling the golfer to have more control on the approach shot.